الاستراتيجية الأولى: أن نصبح المستشفى رائداً في المجال الطبي و الأبحاث

  1. General Maintenance of Inpatient Rooms
  2. Implementing Respiratory Care Services (RCS) VAP Bundle to Decrease VAP Rate
  3. Improve compliance on use of primary prophylactic (GCSF)
  4. Improve Patient Fall Rate in 5 North Medical Unit
  5. Improve the Accuracy of Financial reports
  6. Improve Venous Thromboembolism (VTE) Screening and assessment upon admission
  7. Improving the documentation of Smoking Status
  8. Improving the Success Rate of Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) Cycles in IVF Patients Who Failed to Achieve Pregnancy With Fresh Embryos Transfer.
  9. Improving Tracheostomy Tube Emergency Box
  10. Increase Specialized Discharge Counseling Provided by Pharmacists
  11. Increase the Percentage of Renal Transplants for Incompatible Renal Pairs (Related Recipient and Donor)
  12. Prevention of fall in Surgery Unit
  13. Reduce Fall Incident in Pediatrics Oncology
  14. Reduce the Number of Incidents Related to Bone Marrow Transplant (BMT) Program
  15. Reducing Inpatient Nutritional Supplements Wastage
  16. Reduction and Prevention of Central Line Associated Blood Stream Infection (CLABSI) In Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
  17. Reduction of Hospital Acquired Pressure Injury (HAPI) rate in adult oncology
  18. Improving Identification Process Including Triband Identification Band during Hand Over
  19. Improving of the of Lead Apron & Garments Tracking
  20. Increase the Completion Rate of Successful Patient Handoffs between Respiratory Therapists
  21. Reducing Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI) in Cardiovascular Telemetry Unit (CVT) below Nation
  22. Automation of Schedule 29 in Compliance With Internal Audit Recommendation
  23. Decrease (CLABSI) in Adult Oncology Unit
  24. Decreasing CLABI in CVT

الاستراتجية الثانية: زيادة الأستيعابية ودخول المرضى

  1. Improve Home HealthCare Referral Documentation Compliance From Inpatient Department
  2. Improve Patient Flow in 24h-ADM Unit
  3. Improve Physiotherapy Occupational Therapy Outpatient Appointments Booking (TAT) Turn Around Time
  4. Improve the Turnaround Time (TAT) of Direct Molecular testing for Mycobacterium tuberculosis Complex from Extra pulmonary.
  5. Improve Turnaround Time (TAT) of Pain Management for Patients With Severe Pain (Score 8-10)
  6. Improving The Process of Neurology Outpatient Discharge From KFSH&RC
  7. Increase The Number of Discharged Palliative Patients Under Home Health Care From 58% To 70%, By The End of Q3 2017
  8. Reduce No Show Rate in Sleep Lab
  9. Reduce Percentage of Unnecessary Electrophoresis Orders
  10. Reduce the Average Length of stay for afternoon patients in DPU
  11. Reduce Ultrasound Waiting Time For Renal Transplanted Patients
  12. Reducing Appointment Waiting Time for Sleep Test
  13. Reducing Cardiac non Invasive Laboratory (CNIL) Cardiac Procedure Delay for In-Patients and Emergency
  14. Reduction of TEE Cancellation Rate for In-House and Emergency Patients Performed in Cardiology Non-Invasive Laboratory CNI

الاستراتجية الثالثة: تحسين الكفاءة واتخاذ القرار

  1. Enhance the Accounts Payable Suppliers Communication though General Email
  2. Improve compliance with the process of documenting of POCT Glucose Critical Result Notification
  3. Improve Percentage of Radiation End of Treatment (EOT) Reports Submitted to Medical Records Within Two Weeks After Completion of Radiation
  4. Improvement in Percentage of Finalized Echo Reports for Procedures Performed During On-Call Hours
  5. Minimize Mix Up of Pace Maker and Implantable Cardio Defibrillator Tray Instrument, Cath. Lab
  6. Reduce turnaround time for the diagnostic procedures of Multiple Sclerosis patients form 20 weeks to two week by August
  7. Reduction Of Overtime Hours
  8. Reduction of Repeated CT Simulations for Oncology Patients Receiving Radiation Therapy.
  9. To improve the average Turnaround Time (TAT) from the principle investigator’s submission of research proposal to Institute Review Board (IRB) response by 10%.
  10. Reduce Number of No Show in New Patients in Physiotherapy
  11. Improvement of work flow by decreasing the incorrect incomplete information of patient’s plan of care transferred to Home Health Care (HHC) from outpatient clinic.
  12. Improving maintenance and tracking process for Cardiac Cath. Lab CCL equipment’s.
  13. Improving the Quality and Effectiveness of Initial Inpatient Consultation Note.
  14. Improving Patient booking under named consultant clinics in department of Family Medicine.

الاستراتجية الرابعة: تعزيز توظيف الموظفين والاحتفاظ بهم

  1. Improving Standardized Documentation Of N95 Mask Fit Testing

الاستراتجية الخامسة: تعزيز العلاقات الخارجية والتمويل

  1. Cost reduction of Epilepsy Monitoring Unit (EMU) Spare parts in 2017
  2. Reduce Patient’s Meal Wastage at Outpatient Treatment Units.
  3. Reduction in Disposal of Expired Medical Items in Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory.
  4. Reduction of Energy Usage in Corridors and Public Lobbies
  5. Reduction of Water Consumption in Hospital Toilets
  6. Standardize the Record-to-Report Process on all Contracted Services within the Administrative Services
  7. To Reduce Percentage of Missed Calls Received From Infertility Patients in ART Clinic.