Program Information
The Neonatal/Perinatal Medicine service at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre provides state-of-the-art neonatal therapies and has a total of 30 NICU and step-down beds. Out of 1,800 deliveries per year, over 80% are classified as high risk. Admissions are over 500 infants per year. This environment fosters excellent clinical training in a wide variety of neonatal conditions. The fellowship program recruits individuals interested in outstanding clinical care and multidisciplinary research. During the years of training, the fellow is exposed to delivery room resuscitation, ventilator management including high frequency ventilation and nitric oxide, intensive care of sick neonates, as well as the convalescent care of recovering infants.
The fellows get the opportunity to encounter a wide spectrum of diagnosis and complex malformations especially congenital heart disease, surgical congenital anomalies, and metabolic anomalies. In addition, the fellow jointly manages neonatal surgical patients and patients referred from outside hospitals. The educational activities build a broad base fund of knowledge in neonatal medicine. Moreover, this will help the fellow to acquire the principles of leadership skills needed to supervise the junior staff in the NICU. They also participate in the administrative activities of the Section. The Neonatal/Perinatal fellowship program is based on the principle that neonatologists carry out important functions in neonatal research. The fellow is expected to develop, perform, and publish a meaningful original project during the training.