Research at KFSH&RC
Dive into an extensive collection of research publications authored by the esteemed scientists and physicians at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSHRC), and stay at the forefront of healthcare innovation through cutting-edge studies that shape the future of medicine. You can gain insights from pioneering work across various medical fields whether you are a healthcare professional, researcher, or student.
The Research Centre: A leading facility in the region
At King Faisal Research Centre, we channel our efforts toward research in cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, environmental health, infectious diseases, stem cell therapy, and genetics, hence solidifying our position as global leaders in the investigation of rare diseases.
Research Departments
Our Scientists are fortunate to be supported with cutting edge technologies that often surpass that of more renowned centers around the world.
Education and Training at KFSH&RC
At KFSH&RC, we foster a culture of continuous learning in order to remain pioneers in medical education. Browse our range of learning and training resources here.
Research Proposal at KFSH&RC
Unlock your research potential and join us at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre. Whether you're an experienced researcher or new to the field, we welcome individuals from diverse backgrounds to contribute their unique perspectives.
Latest News
We are recognized locally, regionally, and internationally for providing specialized medical treatment, and adopted the best medical practices, latest technology, and state-of-the-art facility to provide excellent medical care through our 4 facilities across the kingdom.
Research Annual Reports
Unlocking Potential: Advancing Research and Innovation for a Sustainable Future
Extending beyond medical treatment by engaging the community to contribute by Volunteering, Charity Fund, Blood Donation, and Stem Cell Donation. Creating a social movement with a significant impact through our initiatives to help enhancing the quality of life for the public, patients and their families.