Program Information
The two--year fellowship program offers the candidate an excellent opportunity for exposure to a variety of rheumatological conditions, in particular very difficult and complex cases usually referred from all over the Kingdom. This includes a diversity of connective tissue diseases including complicated SLE, APS, and various types of vasculitis. Different inflammatory arthritis, including rheumatoid arthritis, are seen. The candidate will have experience in investigating and managing difficult cases and in the use of different modalities of immunosuppression and their regular monitoring.
The candidate will also gain experience in using biological agents including TNF alpha blockers and in using IV immunoglobulin and plasmapheresis in difficult conditions. The fellow will be capable of reading the usual radiological x-rays and knowing different modalities of physiotherapy treatment. Training includes inpatient experience, attending regular outpatient clinics, and looking after regular day cases for the various types of chemotherapy and biological treatment. Regular group educational sessions and teaching clinics, along with protean research opportunities, are part of the program.