Introducing ourselves is the first step to providing compassionate care and is often all it takes to put a patient at ease. The “Hello, my name is…” campaign is focused on promoting and reminding ourselves of the importance of simple introduction.
Why is it important?
It is not just a campaign; it is creating a culture of making human connection.
Our MISSION is “To serve society with the highest level of healthcare and best patient experience in an integrated education and research setting”; With a friendly introduction saying your name, explaining your role and what you intend to do this will establish the essential trust and therapeutic relationship that can assist us to reach the best patient experience; doing all of that we will realize our VISION more which is “to be the specialized healthcare provider of choice for every patient”.
Where would we start “Hello, my name is…”?
In patient care setting In meetings/presentation When having a conversation with a colleague, patients and their families, and vendors When giving a service (Front Desk, maintenance, housekeeping, safety a security, etc.)
How can we brand “Hello My Name is...”?
- Always remember to introduce yourself at the beginning of every conversation.
- Try to make it a habit to adapt a new culture.
- When providing a care to a patient.
- When explaining a situation to a family.
- When answering your phone.
- When introducing yourself to a colleague.
Who will create this positive impact?
Everyone is responsible and accountable to give the best experience to all of our stakeholders; whether between colleagues, with patients and their families, and/or with vendors.
You do not have to be a physician, a nurse or any healthcare provider to introduce yourself to a patient. You can be any KFSH&RC employee, intern, volunteer who is part of creating a POSITIVE and welcoming culture at KFSH&RC.
How has it started?
Dr. Granger started the 'Hello My Name is...' campaign in August 2013. As an inpatient with terminal cancer, she was frustrated by how many care staff failed to introduce themselves to her.
Her campaign asks frontline NHS staff to introduce themselves to their patients.
Click here to know more about it.
Greeting>> Name>> Role/Department>>
What are you intending to do
- Always starts with a friendly greeting; Hello, Salam, Hi, Marhaba etc.
- Always say your full name out of courtesy and to build a trust.
- Always mention your Role/Department, so they know where you are coming from.
- Always mention what are you intending to do, why are you here, or why are you calling, so they can relate to your conversation.
- Introduce a sticker/a note in your area to remind yourself and others.
- Remind others to introduce themselves when they forget.
- Make it part of your staff orientation.
- Practice it until it becomes a habit that you cannot leave. Remember, a simple act as introducing yourself makes a difference in creating the best experience.
Remember small thing like a name makes a different in creating the best experience.