At KFSH&RC, we are fully committed to empowering our patients and visitors with the resources they need to experience a remarkable healthcare journey.
Appointments & Clinics Locations
KFSH&RC Registration & Appointments sections provide many services to outpatients through their distributed offices in the hospital where the registration desk officer registries patients seen in the Outpatient Clinics, books follow-up appointment of the visit to Outpatient Clinics in accordance with the instructions of the treating physician, and answers general questions for patients visiting the hospital. To make changes or cancel an appointment at the Outpatient Clinics please call: 920012312 - Riyadh - Madinah 0126698000 - Jeddah. KFSH&RC patients are able now to view their own and their dependents’ upcoming appointments, request to postpone or cancel existing appointments, and book a new appointment for Family Medicine Clinic only at this stage through the online patients’ electronic services page “Sehaty” on the following link:, without having to call or come to the hospital. Or by downloading “Sehaty” application from Apple Store or Google Play to access medical records from
home to perform several tasks and submit requests too and that after their registration in “Sehaty”. For more information about KFSH&RC’s Sehaty Patient Portal click here.
Clinics Locations - Riyadh
To reach the clinics buildings and the patients and visitors parking lot please enter the hospital through Gate# 8 on Takhassusi Road.
Outpatient building
- Level (0) (basement): Pharmacy, Laboratory, Medical Records, Eligibility Services.
- Level (1): Emergency, Dental Clinic, Protocol Clinics, Eye Clinic, Pediatric and Adult Cardiology Clinic, ECHO, X-RAY, Orthopedics Clinic.
- Level (2): Surgical Clinic, Family Medicine Clinics, Pulmonary Function Lab, Urology Clinic.
- Level (3): Allergy & Immunology Diseases Clinic, Psychiatry Clinic, Laboratory, Pre-Anesthesia Clinic, Infection Diseases Clinic, Internal Medicine Clinic, Pulmonary Clinic, Anticoagulation Clinic, Poly Clinics, Family Medicine, Walk-in Clinic.
- Level (4): Cardiac Surgery, Cardiac Cath Lab.
North tower
- Level (1): Pharmacy, Radiology, Revenue Office, Admission Office.
- Level (2): Day Medical Unit, Medical Genetics Clinic.
- Level (3): Nephrology Clinic, Renal Transplant, Laboratory , Hemodialysis.
- Level (4): OB/GYN Clinic, Fetal Therapy Clinic.
- Level (5): Gastro Clinic, Endoscopy Clinic.
- Level (6): Pediatrics Clinic. Level (7): Neuroscience Clinic.
- Level (8): Otolaryngology Clinic, Audiology Clinic, Speech Language Pathology Clinic.
- Level (9): Dermatology Clinic, Infection Control and Environmental Health.
Oncology building
- Level (0) (basement): Orthotics/Prosthetics Clinic, Physical Therapy, Hyperbaric OXYGEN Unit.
- Level (1): Radiation Therapy.
Main hospital building
- Level (1): Main Hospital Radiology, Pain Clinic, Labor and Delivery Unit, IVF Clinic, Medical Stores, Admission Office, Photographics, Blood Bank.
- Level (3): Bone Bank. King Abdullah Centre for Oncology & Liver Diseases
- Level (1) : Pharmacy & Laboratory
- Level (3) : Infusion Centre
- Level (5) : Radiology
- Level (7) : Colorectal Clinic, Hepatobiliary Clinic, and Medical Oncology
- Level (8) : Liver Transplant Adult, and Bone Marrow Transplant/ Hematology Oncology
- Level (13) : Breast Clinic