Respiratory Care Services

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The Respiratory Care Services Department offers 24/7 clinical services in multiple areas within the hospital. Clinical areas such as the Intensive Care Units, the Department of Emergency Medicine, Recovery Rooms, Labor & Delivery suites, General Wards, and VIP wards. Our expert therapists use the latest diagnostic and therapeutic equipment to serve all our in-patients and out-patients

Scope of Service

• Oxygenation & Mechanical Ventilation support

• Administration of medical gases (Oxygen, Nitric Oxide, Heliox)

• Inhaled medications delivery

• Airway humidification

• Emergency assistance with cardiopulmonary resuscitation

• Emergency assistance with cardiopulmonary resuscitation in Neonates

• Attending High-risk Deliveries in Labor and Delivery, Surfactant Replacement Therapy

• Monitoring patient's physiological responses to therapy

• Lung expansion therapy

• Blood Gas Analysis and interpretation

• Pulmonary Function laboratory studies

• Asthma and COPD education

• Bronchoscopy procedures

• Polysomnography and Titration of BiPAP/CPAP

• Patient discharge planning

• Home Health Care

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