3/3/2024 12:35 PM
Intercontinental Hotel

The 1st KFSH&RC International Neuroimmunology Conference (INIC)

Overview of the Conference

INIC24 is the first scientific conference of its kind in our region! Through up-to-date, and state-of-art presentations, our esteemed local and international speakers aim to educate the professionals and non-professionals (in separate sessions) about Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and important Neuroimmunological diseases. Our ultimate goal is to improve health outcomes through better understanding of these diseases, resulting in earlier diagnosis and better interventions.

Empowering patients through knowledge and advocacy is our second, but equally important goal, in this uniquely structured conference.

Goals / Objectives:

Improve medical practice of non-specialized neurologists, and of other related healthcare providers, in the field of MS and other Neuroimmunological diseases, through improving knowledge gaps in diagnosis, treatment, and other aspects of management

Discuss disease modifying therapies in MS, and how to choose between them as well as how to minimize treatment-related risks

Recognize the updated recommendations for pregnancy, breastfeeding, and contraception in Multiple Sclerosis

Learn about important differential diagnosis of MS and similar neurological diseases, and how to improve the use of imaging studies

Learn about other important demyelinating disease, like NMO and MOGAD, and how to approach diagnosis and treatment

Define the areas where neurological and rheumatological diseases and complications intersect

Review important diseases in the field of Neuroimmunology, and how to recognize their clinical features, and how to best manage affected patients.

Educate public (patients, caregivers, stakeholders, etc.) about MS and Neuroimmunological disorders.

Discuss patients’ advocacy and opportunities for growth and improvement, through brainstorming sessions, as well as separate talks by patients and support group representatives.

Exploring areas of collaboration with support groups and organizations from neighbouring countries, as well as with the MS International Federation (MSIF) based in the UK

Topics Covered in the Conference

Multiple Sclerosis (including pediatric MS)
Neuromyelitis Optica
MOG antibodies related diseases
Encephalitis (including ADEM)
Paraneoplastic Diseases
Neuro-Behcet’s Syndrome
Primary angiitis of the CNS
Neurological Complications of Rheumatological Diseases

Target Audience

General Neurologists (adults and pediatrics)
All healthcare providers interested to learn about Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis, including but not limited to non-specialized physicians, Family Medicine physicians, Emergency physicians, Rehabilitation physicians, Psychiatrists, Obstetricians and Gynecologists, Pediatricians, Ophthalmologists, Internists, Rheumatologists, Urologists, Neurosurgeons, Radiologists, Pharmacists, Physical Therapists, Psychologists, Nurses, Health Educators.

3/3/2024 12:35 PM
King Saud Road,
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Postcode 11481


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