
Research Administrative Operations

Research Administrative Operations serve as a bridge between R&I and the King Faisal Specialist Hospital / Healthcare Delivery and other research institutions within and outside the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.



•Promote proper utilization of resources, both manpower and materials.
•Make Research & Innovation Group a productive institution - allowing its researchers to concentrate more on their scientific activities and reducing (if not eliminating) time that would otherwise be spent on administrative matters.
•Define job functions, work assignments, and time utilization to all its employees -- ensuring appropriate utilization of expertise.
•Recommend on procurement of additional resources to promote increased productivity, in the form of additional or temporary manpower, and out-source where appropriate through maximum utilization of external and internal technology and expertise.
•Allocate space based on need, activity, and relevance.

Focus Areas 
•Research strategy and planning
•Patents and technology transfer
•Recruitment of scientific, technical, and administrative staff
•Research grant funds management
•Logistics and facilities management
•Education and training

List of Sections
Administrative Support
•Provide administrative and general clerical support to R&I executive management / administration staff.
•Coordinate the implementation of R&I bylaws, policies, procedures, guidelines, manuals, etc.

Research Strategy & Innovation
Research Strategy & Planning
•Provide required support to R&I executive management in planning and execution of research strategy.
•Ensure timely submission of data to relevant entities of the organization.
•Assist, coordinate and follow up on key performance indicators (KPIs) of R&I

Innovation & Technology Transfer
•Manage and administer the Intellectual Property (IP) affairs of the Organization.
•Develop and implement the required policies and procedures, standards and guidelines related to Intellectual Property for determining the rights and obligations of the Organization, the KFSH&RC Community, and third party sponsors. These include, but are not limited to Intellectual Property policy, Invention Assignments, Material Transfer Agreement (MTA), Confidentiality Agreement, and Inter-Institutional Agreements involving Intellectual Property issues.
•File patent applications and other legal registrations as may be necessary to protect KFSH&RC Intellectual Property.
•Facilitate and integrate the negotiation and drafting of all Intellectual Property related agreements across KFSH&RC and its subsidiaries.

Research Management Support
Staff & Grant Fund Management
•Aims to satisfy the manpower requirements of R&I in a timeliest and cost-effective manner. Its main function is to screen and provide qualified internal and external candidates, prepare for credentialing and process approved candidates for recruitment and promotion with adherence to Hospital policy. Other responsibilities include creation and updating of job descriptions, creation and upgrade of positions, advertisement of positions, processing of transfer of employees and of Locum and Adjunct/Joint appointments. In addition, the Recruitment Unit acts as.
•Coordinate, consolidate and check R&I Grant funds in accordance with Financial Affairs Policies and Procedures and maintain the financial accounting for the Sponsored Research Funds and various departmental funds- receive and disburse funds.
•Assist the Principal Investigators of Sponsored Research projects in submission of their financial reports to the funding organizations.
•Deal with the billing for the of sale of Radiopharmaceuticals and services provided by R&I to collect payments; reporting and controlling of all Grant Funds to integrate cost and revenue components.
Logistics & Facilities Management Office
•Responsible to create requisitions in ERP and take care of all supplies and equipment requisitions for the R&I
•Expedite them with the concerned departments such as logistics services, Contracts Management and other technical departments.
•Ensure the availability of materials that are ordered by R&I departments and programs in a timely manner.
•Coordinate with users and provide them with reports pertaining to their orders to help them for future planning, costing and budgeting.
Training & Education
•Formulate guidelines and procedures in providing and administering the training and education activities in R&I
•Facilitate In-House Training in progressive fields of science and technology, In-Kingdom and Out-Kingdom training and education leading to higher education.
•Organize and conduct special courses and workshops throughout the year.
•Provide education needed by staff for career enhancement scientifically and technically.
•Facilitate the education and training needs of staff from affiliated institutions in different laboratories of R&I.
•Launch programs (i.e. courses, workshops, seminars, symposia) to further the connection with other institutions within and outsidethe Kingdom with outlined programs for R&I staff pursuing their Masters and Postdoctoral education, to familiarize students from Secondary level in Technical and Scientific areas of R&I.

List of Services Provided
•Facilitate the research strategy development, execution, and monitor progress.
•Coordinate recruitment of scientific, technical, and administrative personnel needs of R&I.
•Manage research grant funds
•Oversee logistics, purchasing, space allocation/utilization, and facilities management of R&I
•Provide education and training to students, trainees and professionals
Organize conferences, symposia, workshops, lectures, etc.


Career Opportunities  
•Scientists: Principal Scientist, Senior Scientist, Scientist; Principal Clinical Scientist/Senior Consultant, Senior Clinical Scientist/Consultant, Clinical Scientist/Associate Consultant
•Adjunct Scientists: Adjunct Principal Scientist, Adjunct Scientist
•Assistant Scientists: Associate Scientist, Post-Doctoral Fellow
•Technical positions: Research Compliance Specialist, Research Associate, Research Assistant, Clinical Research Coordinator, Assistant Clinical Research Coordinator, Assistant Research Data Manager Research Technician, Research Technical Assistant, Technical Assistant, Research Centre
Administrative positions: Executive Consultant, Executive Assistant, Administrative Assistant I/II, Administrative Coordinator I/II, Senior Hospital Assistant, Hospital Assistant I/II, Receptionist


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