برامج شهادة الاختصاص (الإقامة)

postgraduate residencies homepage

نظرة عامة على البرنامج:

يُعد قسم الأمراض الجلدية في مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث، واحداً من خمسة أقسام لطب الأمراض الجلدية المشاركة في برنامج شهادة الاختصاص الذي تبلغ مدته أربع سنوات، في الرياض – المملكة السعودية. ويحق لمن يجتاز هذا البرنامج بنجاح التقدم لشهادة الاختصاص السعودية وامتحان البورد العربي. يتعرف الأطباء المقيمون على الممارسات الطبية والجراحية في الأمراض الجلدية، تماماً كما في أمريكا الشمالية. إن الالتحاق بمستشفى رعاية متخصصة يمنح الأطباء المقيمين خبرة غنية في التعامل مع الأعراض الجلدية وتبعات أمراض السرطان وزراعة الأعضاء، إضافةً إلى التعامل مع مرضى نقص المناعة بشكل لا مثيل له في المستشفيات الأخرى. وهناك أيضاً عدد كبير من المرضى يُعالجون من أمراض سرطان خلايا (ت) الليمفاوية الجلدية، وجفاف الجلد المصطبغ، والصدفية، والفقاعات الجلدية المناعية لمرضى العلاج الحيوي.

كما يتم تقديم دروس عن الأمراض الجلدية والتي تعد جزءاً مهماً في برنامج تدريب شهادة الاختصاص، بالتعاون مع قسم علم الأمراض وطب المختبرات.

حديثي التخرج - كلية الطب
4 سنوات
طب الأمراض الجلدية

Welcome Message:

On behalf of The Dermatology department at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center we would like to welcome all the new residents accepted to our program. Congratulations on your achievement, as we selectively choose our trainees to match the high standards of our institution.

Our program is a total of 4 years, this includes an off service year at KFSHRC and a 3 year core dermatology rotational in Riyadh region. We assure the high level of training and support our trainees in every step to achieve their goals.

At KFSHRC we provide a wide scope of dermatology exposure, with expertise as a reference center. This includes but not limited to: immunodermatology, advanced medical dermatology, oncodermatology, genodermatoses, vascular anomalies, laser and procedural dermatology


Training Program Structure:

The program is a four-year structured training in dermatology and related subspecialties. It is a joint program where the trainee spends predetermined period in each different hospital in the region over the four years as follows:

R1 First Year Residency: 6 months Medicine, 3 Months Pediatrics, 1 month plastic surgery, and 2 months General Dermatology

Detailed as follows:

  • Medicine (6 months):
  • General medicine (1 month)-
  • Infectious diseases (1 month)-
  • Rheumatology (1 month)-
  • Endocrinology (1 month) -
  • ER medicine (1 month) -
  • Oncology/hematology (1 month).
  • Pediatrics (3 months)
  • General pediatric (1 month) -
  • Pediatric ER (1 month) -
  • Immunology/infectious diseases) (1 month)

R2 Junior Residency: 12 months General Dermatology

R3 Junior Residency: 9 Months General Dermatology, 3 Months elective rotations ( Dermatopathology, dermatosurgery, Laser and phototherapy, ..etc)

R4 Senior Residency: 9 Months General Dermatology, 3 Months elective rotations ( Dermatopathology, dermatosurgery, Laser and phototherapy, ..etc)

* All Based on resources availability, overall rotations scheduling and Program Director approval.


Educational Activities:

Tuesday half day academic activity (8:00 – 12:00) – Virtual and In-person

Residents are excused from morning clinic or oncall duty for this time period

It is a weekly session of interactive presentations done by residents, grand rounds presented by consultants, and review sessions prior to exams. Each session is moderated by a consultant from the assigned center for that specific week

Thursday Half day activity (12:00 – 4:00) – Virtual

Residents are excused from afternoon clinic or oncall duty for this time period

It is a weekly session of Dermatopathology presentations and tutorials moderated by dermatopathologists and medical pathologists

On-call duty: 1 week per month of oncall duty* — Home oncall after-hours

The oncall resident will cover the care of dermatology in-patients, Combined admissions of new patients, and referral from other departments including the Emergency department

The oncall trainee is always supervised by the on-call consultant

Trainee will gain the competence in forming a differential provisional diagnosis and management of emergency and serious dermatology cases

*Subjective to change depending on shortage


Contact Us:

Ana Rosario Villanueva, Dermatology department secretary

Email: avillanueva@kfshrc.edu.sa

Tel#: +96614647272, ext 24608

Location: CSSD building, 6th floor

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