نظرة عامة على البرنامج:
يشكل برنامج التدريب في قسم جراحة العظام جزءاً من برنامج الهيئة السعودية للتخصصات الصحية. يعتبر مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث واحداً من أصل ست مستشفيات، حيث يشارك المتدربون المقيمون (R3, R4, R5) في رعاية المرضى داخل المستشفى وخارجه، ويغطون قسم الطوارئ، ويساعدون في غرف العمليات. يواجه المتدربون المقيمون حالات معقدة في العمود الفقري للأطفال، وتبديل المفاصل، وأورام العظام. فهم يحضرون عيادات الساركوما، والسنسنة المشقوقة، والشناج، والهيموفيليا، وهشاشة العظام، وعيادات مختلفة التخصصات. كما يواجهون حالات بحاجة لرعاية من متخصصة لا يوجد لها مثيل في المستشفيات الأخرى. يعتبر مستشفى الملك فيصل التخصصي ومركز الأبحاث المركز الوحيد لأورام الجهاز الحركي، والعمود الفقري للأطفال والكبار، وفحص المفاصل، وأمراض الهيموفيليا، وحالات الشناج، وإصابات الضفيرة العضدية عند الولادة.
يقدم البرنامج التعليم اليومي، وفحص المريض سريرياً، وإرشادات السلامة للمريض، وتوجيهه لسياسات الموافقة المستنيرة (علامات الموقع، أهداف وأسباب العملية، مخرجات العملية ومعلومات حول المضاعفات المحتملة للعملية). يعقد القسم جولات سريرية يومية، ولقاءات حول الوفيات و الأمراض، ولقاءات علم الأمراض، ونوادي المجلات العلمية، والدورات الأسبوعية الكبرى، التي يشارك فيها المتدربون.
Welcome Message
Thank you for your interest in the Orthopedics department at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and research center. As can be seen within our program aims, the philosophy and mission of our department is simple: to educate and train the next generation of leaders within our field in the operating room, the clinic, research and the community. Our fellowship-trained faculty and staff across the department are dedicated to this mission and take great pride in assuring the educational mission is achieved.
Via a combination of didactic learning, unique research opportunities and early clinical/operative experience, we have been able to successfully assist our trainees to achieve their career goals in obtaining high-quality fellowship opportunities, research and ultimately their careers. Our residents are exposed to a multitude of disease processes and orthopedic cases ranging from simple to highly complex and are a vital component to the team caring for all patients.
We are proud of what we have accomplished as a department in the past and look forward to the continued growth and innovation which is to come. Our residency program is at the heart of this innovation and a core pillar to our global departmental mission. We feel as though there are many unique aspects to our program which help us accomplish these goals, many of which can be found within the pages of this website. Certainly, if you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us.
Training Structure
During the first- and second-year resident will rotate through the following specialties:
- General surgery - 3 months
- Intensive care unit - 3 months
- Adult trauma/orthopedic trauma - 3 months
- Plastic surgery and/or vascular surgery and/or neurosurgery - 3 months
- General orthopedics (sports medicine/arthroplasty/spine) - 3 months
- General orthopedics (sports medicine/arthroplasty/spine) - 3 months
- Orthopedic trauma - 3 months
- Pediatric orthopedics - 3 months
During the third- to fifth-year resident will rotate through the following specialties:
- Upper extremities - 3 months
- Spine 3 - months
- Foot and ankle - 3 months
- Orthopedic trauma - 3 months X 3 rotations = total of 9 months (one per year)
- Pediatric orthopedics - 3 months X 2 rotations = total of 6 months (on different years)
- Orthopedic oncology - 3 months
- Arthroplasty 3 - months
- Sports Medicine - 3 months
Elective 3 months that can be taken locally or abroad upon the program directors’ recommendation.
Educational Activities
Morning Report (7:30-8:00 a.m.):
Daily morning report in which cases seen during the oncall time gets presented and discussed between the residents, fellows, and consultants.
Thursday Half Day Activities (13:00 – 16:00 p.m.):
Resident is released officially at 13:00 p.m. from the service provided that the resident should endorse the patients to the senior physician on duty.
It is a weekly session that runs in an interactive scientific way of discussion in presence of senior consultant presenting different topic of a common yield practice.
It may involve reviewing MCQs, topic of clinical approaches, physical examination, or usage of different clinical procedures skills.
Orthopedics Boot Camp (September of every calendar year):
A course directed toward upcoming and junior orthopedics resident held in September of every year. It is a Hands-on course involving common principles in Orthopedic Surgery, Cases commonly encountered in Emergency Department, and basic skills needed by Orthopedic Surgery physicians.
Goal is to introduce up-and coming Junior Orthopedic Residents to basics of management of everyday emergency cases, overview of principles to general surgical skills, and basic sciences of the Orthopedic specialty with real time application.
Visiting professor day (Annually):
The Orthopedic Department annually hosts leaders in the field of Orthopedics from around the globe. The topic of these Professor visits rotate through the services, including Upper extremity, Paediatric Orthopedics, Spine, Sports Medicine, Trauma, Arthroplasty, Tumor, and Foot & Ankle.
It includes case presentation, discussion, research presentation and department recognition ceremony.
Orthopedic Surgical Approaches Cadaveric Course (Annually):
Hands on Cadaveric course for upper & lower limb approaches.
Contact Us:
Maria Catherine Cabalhin
Hospital Assistant I
Department of Orthopedic Surgery (MBC 77)
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre
P.O. Box 3354 Riyadh 11211, Saudi Arabia
Tel: 011 464 7272 ext. 23820 Fax: 011 442-7597
E-mail: mcabalhin@kfshrc.edu.sa