Program Information
Transplant Hepatology fellowship program is a one-year comprehensive, structured fellowship aimed to train selected gastroenterologists in the field of hepatology and liver transplantation. The existence of an active Liver Transplantation Program at King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre (Gen. Org.), typically performing 40 to 50 transplants yearly, offers great opportunity for fellows to gain the clinical and technical expertise to practice as skillful and proficient transplant hepatologists. Fellows are involved in pre- and postoperative management of transplant recipients and participate in general and theme-oriented hepatology clinics.
Endoscopy training includes gastroscopy, variceal band ligation, variceal glue injection, colonoscopy, ERCP and liver biopsy. Research work on viral hepatitis, fatty liver and transplantation is strongly encouraged. Outstanding medical facilities and an academic environment at the Institution support the existence of the fellowship program towards graduating safe and competent transplant hepatologists.