Program Information
Neurosurgery residency training is a six-year program that requires attaining knowledge in neurosciences, mastering neurosurgical techniques and developing the proper attitude of the specialty. The training period is divided as three (3) years of junior level and three (3) years of senior level. Four-and-a-half years of the whole period are devoted for the core specialty in the different disciplines of neurosurgery. The rest of the period provides additional exposure in specialties of critical care, general surgery, neurology, neuroradiology, neuropathology and an elective rotation. The residents will be involved in a variety of academic activities, like preparing for and attending case presentations and lectures, journal clubs, morbidity and mortality rounds, and other neurosurgery adult learning sessions. In collaboration with the Research Centre, they have the opportunity to train in the micro-vascular lab on rats and to perform base of skull dissection and approaches on cadavers.
Graduates of the Neurosurgery residency training may pursue joining the Pediatric Neurosurgery fellowship, the first Neurosurgery subspecialty program approved by the Saudi Commission for Health Specialties. It is a 2-year fellowship offered in few approved training centers by experienced and qualified pediatric neurosurgeons in the Kingdom. In addition, Neurosurgery at this Institution has been recognized, for a period of six months, by the World Federation of Neurological Surgery as a fellowship training center for the base of skull in Saudi Arabia and the surrounding countries.