Nutrition therapy



Nutrition Services department is keen to provide nutrition care 24/7 by having an on-call Dietitian after working hours.
Clinical Nutrition services strive to attain the highest quality of care and service provided to our patients.

Scope of Service

Nutrition Services


1- Inpatient services

• We provide comprehensive nutrition services for inpatients of all ages according to medical need. The dietitian will consult with the medical staff for the patient about special diets, modified Feeding orders, Enteral and Parenteral nutrition feeding.

• Preparing & distribution of formula will be under clinical nutrition services.


2- Outpatient services

• Our clinic provides comprehensive Nutritional assessment for all patients referred.

• Body composition analyzer interpretation of weight data to patients.

• Take home supplies and home delivery to patient.


3- Continues Professional development & Activities

• Planning, organizing, directing and quality improvement.

• Staff and student evaluation, meetings and training

•Preparation of education materials, classes, exhibits/symposia/workshops

• Participate and conduct clinical research.



• To provide evidence-based medical nutrition therapy through nutrition assessment, intervention, and education for the necessitous patients.

• To support dietetic intern’s education.

• To develop the Standards of Professional Practice and Standard of care and clinical practice guidelines

• To ensure standards are met through quality assurance activities.

• To contribute to the training of medical and paramedical staff through educational lectures, research Symposia, Conferences, and workshops.

• To participate in research activities that will contribute to nutrition knowledge and patient care.

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